There are important aspect discovered by N.Kozyrev that was not mentioned by others: to create impulse exchange between mechanical system and physical time it is necessary to use both rotation and axial vibration. In Japan scientists experiments the falling gyroscope is one of version for rotation plus axial motion.
By Time Rate Control (TRC) theory the trajectory of mass should be helical spiral line and in this case the results can be developed and the effect can be increased up to practical applications level.
This energy exchange between physical time
and some material system means real possibility to change space-time energy
balance, i.e. to control the rate of time. It is small energy level expeirments
and changes of curvature are very small. Many scientists are calculating
vacuum energy value in some volume of space. In my paper "Calculations..."
of 1994 it was mentioned the detection of temporal changes for such sort
experiments is the question of power level only. In principle, it is working
always: if the system is moving in space without any reactive mass flow
it means there is chronal (time axis) reaction.
You can read my papers on it, Dr. Puthoff's comments.
There is also joint paper with Dr. T.E.Bearden I
would like to introduce for you.